Tuesday, October 2

Quick Check In...

Hi all! So I am working on an official 'before & after' post since I hit my 130lb goal.... but it's not ready yet. I am so not photogenic haha. But I figured I'd check in in the meantime.

This weekend was another lazy one - Friday Sam & I went out to dinner at Chili's and watched 'We Bought a Zoo' - very cute! Saturday it was super rainy here so we mostly stayed in and did stuff around the house, watched football, etc. Sam got a new iPhone 5 so he spent most of the day downloading 50 million apps....

Proud iPhone 5 Owner...

Saturday night we went out dancing with some friends (texas two stepping actually, and yes, we actually do that here - although Sam & I don't do it particularly well...) and had a lot of fun, but stayed out way too late! We did manage to drag ourselves up for a 7 mile run Sunday though (which was the only productive thing we did all day) before watching the NFL for the entire rest of the day :)

I tested out Sam's hydration belt, which didn't bother me nearly as much as I thought it might. I need to be able to carry water/food with me once I get into longer runs, so I figured I better get used to it sometime or other. Last year I did all of my long runs at the hike & bike trail, so I was would pass my water bottle every 2 miles. But since I'm trying out new routes that aren't repetitive loops, I need to be able to carry stuff with me!

First run with hydration belt....

I wore the belt on the front for about 30 seconds before I realized it was much less annoying if I twisted everything around to the back. The 7 miles went pretty well, although I was definitely worn out for the rest of the day. Today I have a 6 miler on the schedule, which seems cruel only two days later! But oh well, the weather is awesome here today so I guess I can't complain.

Stay tuned for before & after photos coming soon!!