Monday, May 13

Weekly Stats & Weekend Recap

Instead of just doing a weekly weigh in, I thought it might be fun to post a weekly stat sheet on Sundays or Mondays. Weight maintenance isn't the most exciting thing ever - I don't get to talk about a bunch of lost pounds each week anymore, so I thought I could spice it up by including some running data too? So, without further ado, here were my stats for last week -

Obviously I didn't do a great job of writing down my weight last week, but it was consistently in the right range so that was good! Also, I missed a weekday run because I was lazy and because my foot was hurting, but I made up for it on the weekend. Both of my pairs of running shoes have over 400 miles on them, so it is time for some new ones for sure! I can definitely tell me feet are hurting more over the past few weeks.

In other news, I forgot to mention that on Thursday I was able to attend a local conference with the women's network from my office. I went to several different sessions throughout the day, but by far the best part was the keynote speaker - Jewel!

I wish I could have gotten a better picture but the lighting was terrible for a phone pic, obviously. She was an amazing speaker and she sang quite a few songs also so it was a double whammy! In telling her life story, she was absolutely hilarious at times and had us all close to tears at other times. She talked a lot about being responsible for your own happiness and working for it (rather than expecting it) as well as concentrating on the things we can control - our own thoughts and actions. And of course her voice was amazing and she even did her trademark yodeling too.

We had a pretty relaxing but fun weekend. On Friday night, I went to a party at a co-workers house to celebrate the upcoming weddings of two girls that I work with. There were about 15 of us there and we had a fun time drinking wine, chatting and giving a few gifts to the ladies of honor or course!

Saturday night, Sam & I had our friends Daniel & Mallory over for dinner and games. We haven't seen them as much recently, so it was good to hang out. Sam even made chocolate lava cakes (should have taken a picture!) and they were delicious.

Otherwise, I mostly took care of the typical weekend stuff - grocery shopping, running and watching Netflix! I did make some casseroles to freeze since we are going to be traveling a good amount over the next few weeks. I've never frozen casseroles before, but I figured it might come in handy so hopefully it will turn out well! I made Chicken & Wild Rice (we had this Saturday night too, it was delicious but no necessarily low cal...) and Chicken Tetrazzini, which I haven't tried out yet.

Of course I didn't manage to take any pictures of the fun stuff, but I did snap this one at the grocery store to document the mayhem. I don't usually shop on Saturday afternoon and now I remember why!! There were 9-10 checkout lines open and all of them had 4-5 people lined up - boo.

Luckily I made it out alive! Today is a rest day to recovery from yesterday's long (and hot!) run, so I think I am off to run some errands and maybe buy new running shoes. Maybe ones that won't get holes in the toes like all my other pairs??

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